would [wʊd]
modal verb
1 (conditional tense)
if you asked him he would do it si se lo pidieras lo haría; if you had asked him he would have done it si se lo hubieras pedido lo habría hecho; you would never know she was not a native Spanish speaker nadie diría que el español no es su lengua materna; would you go there by yourself? ¿irías allí sola?; I would have a word with him (if I were you) sería aconsejable discutirlo con él; I wouldn't worry too much if I were you yo en tu lugar no me preocuparía demasiado
2 (in indirect speech)
I said I would do it te dije que lo haría or hacía; I thought you would want to know pensé que querrías saber
3 (emphatic)
you would be the one to forget! ¡quién más si no tú se iba a olvidar!; ¡tú tenías que ser el que se olvidase!; it would be you! ¡tú tenías que ser!; he would say that, wouldn't he? es lógico que dijera eso
4 (conjecture)
what would this be? ¿qué será esto?; it would have been about eight o'clock serían las ocho
it would seem so así parece ser
5 (indicating willingness) (in invitations) querer
would you like some tea? would you care for some tea? ¿quiere tomar un té?
would you come this way? pase por favor or si hace favor; especially (LAm)
(requests, wishes) would you close the door please? ¿puedes cerrar la puerta, por favor?; please would you wake me up at seven o'clock? ¿podría despertarme a las siete, por favor?; would you mind? si no le importa; si no tiene inconveniente
what would you have me do? ¿qué quieres que haga?
(insistence) I told her not to but she would do it le dije que no, pero insistió en hacerlo
(refusal) he wouldn't do it no quería hacerlo; se negó a hacerlo; he wouldn't say if it was true no quiso decir si era verdad; the car wouldn't start el coche se negó or negaba a arrancar; el coche no quería arrancar